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Monday, October 16, 2017

Letter 03: August 25th, 1970 Dan-to-John - The Pow Wow...

Dear John,                      August 25th, 1970

It's been a fun month. I made it through Summer school. There are about five more pioneer books I'll have to wait for the regular school year to read.

This past weekend, we went to an Indian powwow at the fairgrounds just outside of town. I was talking to one of the Indian kids there, and he told me that their tribe had been having their powwow at this spot since the Great Spirit first created people.

[Drawing of Native-American drummer and dancer]

The beads on their costumes are way more detailed and pretty than I can draw!

Over >

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You remember my red-headed little brother, right? He's only five, and he picked a fight with a high-school kid over Summer! When the Indian kids met him, they gave him an Indian name: "Red Tornado." Ha ha! I laughed so hard at that one!

I'm looking forward to this month. Mom is going to let me be in the Cub Scouts [again] this Fall.

Meanwhile, I need to finish this letter. Mom is taking us to the swimming pool. School starts in two weeks, and the pool will close for kids. I don't want to miss it. This might be the last time I get to swim until next Summer!

So, how have you been? What have you been doing?

Your friend,


John's reply letter to Dan Link


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Dear Dan,

    That Powwow sounded better than any TV show. We have one here in Natchez every year in March. They let the spectators dance with the Indians. The event is held at a historic Native American site by some Indian mounds. It may sound strange but though its in March it ushers in the year for me. The drumming and songs are like church but in a different way. Once I stood atop a mound and looked down on the circle of dancers. I imagined it was hundreds of years ago when the tribe lived there. But hey sometimes I let my imagination run wild. The kids don't call me space cadet for nothing. LOL

    But that was back in Spring. This past weekend my grandparents took me to our house by the bayou in Louisiana. We took my friend Jeff along. He is part Choctaw but for some reason doesn't talk about it. He doesn't speak the language. But Jeff and I paddled the boat across the bayou. Boy did I nearly get in trouble. I didn't notice that I was about to step on a cottonmouth. That snake was sunning on some tree roots. Jeff yelled at me to stand still. Then he went back to the boat for a paddle. Jeff hacked that ole snake to pieces. He probably saved my life. We weren't any where near a hospital. No telling what would have become of me if he'd gotten his fangs in me. I hear them cottonmouths got some powerful venom.

    That evening Jeff and I camped out in the tent by the bayou. A fierce thunderstorm passed over but we weren't afraid. We just talked while those thunderbolts crashed down. It was a great way to end the summer.

    Glad you made it to the pool. That is a real chuckle about what the Indians called your little brother he sure was brave but foolhardy to take on a high school kid at his young age. Well grandma is calling me for dinner. Keep in touch.

    Your friend,
